Desktop targeting on Linkedin

I’m spending a lot of money on LinkedIn lately. B2B buyers aren’t only here but it’s the only advertising platform where you can target based on job role and company.

Our conversion rates are two times higher on desktop versus mobile but there are no device-targeting options for LinkedIn Ads campaign. So I found a workaround—the legacy “text ads” format.

This is how you can replicate it:

  1. Create a campaign targeting your ICP.
  2. Build an audience based on the people who saw the ad.
  3. Create a Text Ad with a strong CTA for signing up or viewing the demo—text ads only show on desktop.
  4. Target the newly created Text Ad to the audience built in step 2.

Because “Text Ads” are LinkedIn’s legacy formats, and they show exclusively on desktops. But they look pretty bad, to be honest. You can only add a small icon next to them and they limit the text you can show.